
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ModulePrefs title="__UP_title__" directory_title="Table Styled Bookmarks V9" title_url="" description="A table styled bookmarks. Put your links concentrated !" author="Sheng-Chin Chuang" author_email="" author_location="Taipei, ROC" screenshot="" thumbnail="">
<Require feature="setprefs"/>
<Require feature="dynamic-height"/>
<UserPref name="title" display_name="Title" datatype="string" default_value="Table Styled Bookmarks"/>
<UserPref name="cols" display_name="Table Columns" datatype="string" default_value="2"/>
<UserPref name="rows" display_name="Table Rows" datatype="string" default_value="6"/>
<UserPref name="bookmarks" display_name="Bookmarks" datatype="string" default_value="Google:"/>
<UserPref name="editButtonType" display_name="Type Of Edit Button" datatype="enum" default_value="0">
<EnumValue value="0" display_value="Button"/>
<EnumValue value="1" display_value="Link"/>
<EnumValue value="2" display_value="Icon Left"/>
<EnumValue value="3" display_value="Icon Right"/>
<UserPref name="openLinkInNewWindow" display_name="Open Link In New Window" datatype="bool" default_value="false"/>
<Content type="html">

<DIV ID="BookmarksTable">Bookmarks Table</DIV>

<Script type="text/javascript">

// Constants.

var textAreaStyle = "width:100%; height:16; border-style:none; overflow:hidden; padding-right:2px; padding-left:2px; background-color:#FFFFCC; color:black; font-size:12px; line-height:12px; letter-spacing:0;";
var editButtonElementCode = "<Input type='button' value='Edit' style='font-size:10px' onClick='ToEditMode();'/>";
var moveButtonElementCode = "<Input type='button' value='Move' style='font-size:10px' onClick='ToMoveMode();'/>";
var okButtonElementCode = "<Input type='button' value='OK' style='font-size:10px' onClick='ToBookmarksMode();'/>";
var guideLinkElementCode = "<A href='' target='_blank' style='font-size:10px'>guide</A>";

// User prefs.

var prefs = new _IG_Prefs(__MODULE_ID__);

var cols = prefs.getInt("cols");
var rows = prefs.getInt("rows");

var bookmarksStr = prefs.getString("bookmarks");
var bookmarksList = bookmarksStr.split("|");
var editButtonType = prefs.getInt("editButtonType");
var openLinkInNewWindow = prefs.getBool("openLinkInNewWindow");

// Variables.

var linkCount = cols * rows;

var linkNames = new Array(linkCount);
var linkURLs = new Array(linkCount);
for(var i=0; i<linkCount; ++i)
if( i < bookmarksList.length )
var linkPair = bookmarksList[i].split(":");
linkNames[i] = linkPair[0];
if( linkPair.length > 1 )
linkURLs[i] = linkPair[1];
linkURLs[i] = "http://";
linkNames[i] = "";
linkURLs[i] = "http://";

var editedURL = -1;
var movingStartLinkIndex = -1;
var isEdited = false;

// Functions.

function GenerateBookmarksTable()
var lastLinkIndex = 0;
for(var i=linkCount-1; i>=0; --i)
if( linkNames[i] != "" )
lastLinkIndex = i;
var editButtonIndex = lastLinkIndex + 1;
var openTarget = "_top";
if( openLinkInNewWindow )
openTarget = "_blank";
var tableCode = "<Table border='0' style='font-size:12px'>";

var linkIndex = 0;

for(var r=0; r<rows; ++r)
tableCode += "<TR>";

for(var c=0; c<cols; ++c)
tableCode += "<TD>";
if( linkIndex != editButtonIndex )
tableCode += "<A href='" + linkURLs[linkIndex] + "' target='" + openTarget + "' style='padding-right:8px; padding-left:0px'>" + linkNames[linkIndex] + "</A>";
else if( editButtonType == 1 )
tableCode += "<A href='javascript:ToEditMode();' style='padding-right:8px; padding-left:0px'>&laquo;edit</A>";
tableCode += "</TD>";

++ linkIndex;

tableCode += "</TR>";

tableCode += "</Table>";

if( editButtonType == 0 )
tableCode += "<Input type='button' value='Edit' style='font-size:9px' onClick='ToEditMode();'/>";
else if( editButtonType == 1 )
if( editButtonIndex >= linkCount )
tableCode += "<A href='javascript:ToEditMode();' style='font-size:12px'>&laquo;edit</A>";
else if( editButtonType == 2 )
tableCode += "<A href='javascript:ToEditMode();'><Image src='' border='0'/></A>";
tableCode += "<DIV align='right'/><A href='javascript:ToEditMode();'><Image src='' border='0'/></A></DIV>";
if( isEdited )
tableCode += "<DIV style='font-size:12px; color:red'>To avoid data losing of current editing, refreshing this page (press F5) is recommended, especially before setting the 'Edit settings' !</DIV>";
_gel("BookmarksTable").innerHTML = tableCode;


function GenerateEditingTable()
var tableCode = "<Div style='font-size:12px'>Rows:<Input id='RowsCount' type='text' style='width:32; height:20' value='" + rows + "'/> Cols:<Input id='ColsCount' type='text' style='width:32; height:20' value='" + cols  + "'/> <Input type='button' value='Resize' style='font-size:12px; height:20' onclick='javascript:ResizeRowsCols();'/></Div><BR/>";

tableCode += "<Table border='1' width='100%' style='table-layout:fixed'>";

var linkIndex = 0;

for(var r=0; r<rows; ++r)
tableCode += "<TR>";

for(var c=0; c<cols; ++c)
tableCode += "<TD><TextArea ID='TA_" + linkIndex + "' style='" + textAreaStyle + "' onfocus='EditURL(" + linkIndex + ");' onblur='SaveLinkName(this," + linkIndex + ");'>" + linkNames[linkIndex] + "</TextArea></TD>";

++ linkIndex;

tableCode += "</TR>";

tableCode += "</Table>";

tableCode += "<Input ID='URLInput' type='text' style='width:200' value='http://' onblur='SaveLinkURL();'/><BR/><BR/>";
tableCode += moveButtonElementCode;
tableCode += okButtonElementCode;
tableCode += "  " + guideLinkElementCode;

_gel("BookmarksTable").innerHTML = tableCode;


function GenerateMovingTable()
var tableCode = "<Table border='1' style='table-layout:fixed;font-size:12px'>";

var linkIndex = 0;

for(var r=0; r<rows; ++r)
tableCode += "<TR>";

for(var c=0; c<cols; ++c)
tableCode += "<TD><Input ID='ME_" + linkIndex + "' type='button' value='" + linkNames[linkIndex] + "' style='width:100%;font-size:12px' onmousedown='DragStart(" + linkIndex + ");' onmouseup='DragEnd(" + linkIndex + ");'/></TD>";

++ linkIndex;

tableCode += "</TR>";

tableCode += "</Table>";

tableCode += "<Div style='font-size:12px'>Drag the buttons between the table cells..</Div><BR/>";
tableCode += editButtonElementCode;
tableCode += okButtonElementCode;
tableCode += "  " + guideLinkElementCode;        

_gel("BookmarksTable").innerHTML = tableCode;


function ToEditMode()

editedURL = -1;

function ToMoveMode()

movingStartLinkIndex = -1;

function ToBookmarksMode()
isEdited = true;


function EditURL(linkIndex)
if( editedURL >= 0 )
_gel("TA_"+editedURL).style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFCC";

_gel("URLInput").value = linkURLs[linkIndex];
editedURL = linkIndex;

_gel("TA_"+editedURL).style.backgroundColor = "#FFFF88";

function SaveBookmarks()
var value = "";

if( linkCount >= 1 )
value += linkNames[0];
value += ":";
value += linkURLs[0];

for(var i=1; i<linkCount; ++i)
value += "|";
value += linkNames[i];
value += ":";
value += linkURLs[i];


function SaveLinkName(textArea, linkIndex)
linkNames[linkIndex] = textArea.value;


function SaveLinkURL()
if( editedURL >= 0 )
linkURLs[editedURL] = _gel("URLInput").value;


function DragStart(startIndex)
movingStartLinkIndex = startIndex;

function DragEnd(targetIndex)
if( movingStartLinkIndex >= 0 )
var temp;

temp = linkNames[movingStartLinkIndex];
linkNames[movingStartLinkIndex] = linkNames[targetIndex];
linkNames[targetIndex] = temp;

temp = linkURLs[movingStartLinkIndex];
linkURLs[movingStartLinkIndex] = linkURLs[targetIndex];
linkURLs[targetIndex] = temp;

_gel("ME_"+movingStartLinkIndex).value = linkNames[movingStartLinkIndex];
_gel("ME_"+targetIndex).value = linkNames[targetIndex];

movingStartLinkIndex = -1;


function ResizeRowsCols()
var newRows = parseInt(_gel("RowsCount").value);
var newCols = parseInt(_gel("ColsCount").value);
var newLinkCount = newRows * newCols;

if( newLinkCount < linkCount )
var lastLinkIndex = 0;

for(var i=linkCount-1; i>=0; --i)
if( linkNames[i] != "" )
lastLinkIndex = i;

var neededRows = parseInt(lastLinkIndex/newCols) + 1;

if( newRows < neededRows )
newRows = neededRows;
newLinkCount = newRows * newCols;

rows = newRows;
cols = newCols;
linkCount = newLinkCount;

var newLinkNames = new Array(linkCount);
var newLinkURLs = new Array(linkCount);
for(var i=0; i<linkCount; ++i)
if( i < linkNames.length )
newLinkNames[i] = linkNames[i];
newLinkURLs[i] = linkURLs[i];
newLinkNames[i] = "";
newLinkURLs[i] = "http://";
linkNames = newLinkNames;
linkURLs = newLinkURLs;

prefs.set("rows", rows);
prefs.set("cols", cols);


// Program init.





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